Top 10 Most Expensive Domain Names Ever Sold

In online world people not only makes money by blogging or website flipping but also many people and platform do domain flipping work and become millionaire.

Domain flipping business is more exiting and give high return as compare to other ways of earning but you must have the knowledge to understand which one domain you should buy and what time. I can say it is very easy to setup website but very hard to select a good domain name for website.


In case by luck if you picked up good domain like, type then you do not need to work remaining time of your life. So people in domain flipping business just wait for opportunity and buy domain in cheaper cost and wait for good time to sell on higher cost.

You can expect making money from this business by just looking below Top 10 Most Expensive Domain Names Ever Sold.

You will see similar thing in all below domains are Single word only and most searchable words.  Even people ask you to use long tail keyword and all but single word is best in case of you are purchasing domain name and  main reason is easy to remember. Another thing you will see is their domain name have .com not any other.

I think all single word famous domain is already gone so if you want to buy then you need to go for domain flipping site and then only can buy from there. I am sure you will be wonder to see cost of a domain and even one domain price can buy a small company.

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Now I don’t want to keep you waiting here you go Top 10 Most Expensive Domain Names.

1. is most expensive domain and sold in 2010 with  he transaction was for $35.6 million. Currently this website based on California and providing insurance of all type of vehicle.

QuinStreet  bought this domain as well as content in July 2010 but primary assets was domain name which cost them $35.6 million.


vacationrentelBrian Sharples, founder & CEO of HomeAway  bought in  2007 with amount of $35 million.

Vacationrentels is working to provide you best place while you travel outside.You will get list of house where you can live.


PrivateJetNations Luxury Transportation, bought this domain in February 2012 for $31.18 million! This website provide most efficient platform for worldwide charter, aircraft acquisition and private jet sales.

This platform provide from small range to high rang aircraft for travelling and cost depend on distance, type of jet and number of passenger.


This domain is also bought by QuinStreet in 2009 for $18million! from WebMediaBrands Inc.  QuinStreet  is largest Internet marketing services companies in the world.

Using this site they provide all the information related to internet from domain name to blog post related website building to how to do  social media post and many more.


360.com_Qihoo bought this domain for $17 million from vodaphone in 2015 and Most Expensive Domain Names of china. Company mainly work in mobile hardware, antivirus software and Web browser.

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This platform provide information in Chinese language only. Even they have domain but to drive more traffic they bought this domain name.


insure-comSimilar to, this domain is also bought by QuinStreet in October 2009 for $16 million! Company acquired the website business of from Nebraska-based online marketing company.

This platform is provide insurance policy for health, motor, life and home. They also provide useful insurance information experience on the Internet.


This is one of the most expensive domain which still you can buy from igloo. This domain bought in 2008 at price of $9.9 million.

This domain can be use in any major areas of the finance sector like mutual fund, Hedge Funds, and Funding. So you can grab this opportunity if you have millions of money.


SexNow comes one of expensive domain name in porn industry and it was bought  for $14 million in November 2014.

This platform claim to provide high quality sex videos in free of cost. This domain become expensive due to most searched keyword in google.


hotelThis domain was bought for “around” $11 million in 2001 and most expensive domain in field of real state. In recent interview with BBC, David Roche the CEO of Worldwide reveal this information. provide accommodation to stay in any city of world including both independent and major chain hotels as well as self-catering in over hundreds of thousands properties worldwide.


Another most expensive porn domain and MXN Limited bought this domain in 2007  with whopping price $9.5 million .By Just name you can understand what this platform provide.

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They are claim to provide 114,000+ porn videos free of cost and you can also download any video any time.

Hope you like this post and If you know any other famous and most expensive domain then you can share us in comment .you can also check more domain name on Wikipedia .

Thanks for reading!!