How to Enable Adsense on Already Uploaded Youtube Video

When People enter in online world for earning few bucks by doing some online activities like working on freelancing sites,  survey sites, online tutoring sites and many other ways of earning online but the best way I consider for making money online is YouTube video monetizing.

Youtube video monetizing is just display advertisement on your you tube video or channel and whatever youtube earn from advertiser share you fix percent of royalty.

I am assuming here that you have already created youtube channel with some videos and if still you are new on youtube then first please read How to create youtube channel  and once you create channel then please also read how to add adsense channel with youtube and enable monetizing.

Here I am writing steps of how to enable adsense on  already uploaded videos and add moeny in your youtube earning.

Steps 1:- Open Video manager in your youtube channel. Once you open then  you see all videos of your channel.


Now There are 2 ways of monetize video either monetize all videos by selecting checbox in one go or monetize one by one.If you want to go by one go then see below screenshot. Just select those video which you want to monetize and click on monetize link under action dropdown.


It may monetize instantly or take time depend on your YouTube adsense account and videos. You can also do the same by clicking on dollar sign of any video and go for monetizing single video.


\Once you click then you will redirect to other page where you have to decide where all places you can show  advertisement. Once you monetize then your dollar sign change to green means you have done correctly.

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Now for each view of your youtube video you will get few amount as sharing revenue system of youtube. You can choose this work not only part time but even many people using this as full time earning source. You can also go best sites to upload video other than youtube. so you can use this all platform to make money.

If you do not have an idea of which topic you should use for video creation then you can read top video ideas to make money online.

Hope you like this post and start monetizing your old videos and making money with them.