How much do youtubers make money [ Real example]

Whenever you search for ways of making money online, one of the most frequently mentioned techniques is non-other than the site that’s considered an endless source of entertainment – YouTube. 

However, before getting started with YouTube, the most important question people have in mind is how much do YouTubers make or what’s an average YouTuber earning?

So today we are going this question for all of you who are seeking to make a career out of YouTube or just looking for a passive income:

How much do YouTubers make money online?

If you have read any other post about how to make money on YouTube or How much do YouTubers make money online then you know that nobody clears states how much exactly you can earn through the site and there is a strong reason for it.

There are many ways using which you can earn money through YouTube but the easiest and the most used way of them all is none other than Google Adsense.

The problem, however, is, that the income of Google Adsense is very unstable and it’s hard to forecast how much you may earn per thousand views and on top of that you cannot be sure how many people will watch your video which makes the whole guessing process harder.

But why is it so hard guess a YouTuber earning?

When you include Adsense on your video to make money on YouTube, the service shows ads to your viewer prior to your videos and you earn money for every ad which is shown which is known as YouTuber earning.

These ads are of two kinds in nature dubbed as CPC and CPM Ads. If you are not familiar with the term it means some ads pay on the basis of Clicks and others on the basis of views.

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For example, all the ads you see on TV are based on views. They are intended to make you aware of a company’s product or service and there are similar ads on YouTube too.  So whenever someone watches them you get paid.

Then there are CPC ads which are seen only online where you are paid when someone clicks on the ad shown on your blog and similarly there are ads shown before your video where you are paid when someone clicks on the link the ad intends to promote.

Since each one of these ads pays differently and you cannot predict how many people will click on the ads, you can never know for sure how much will be a YouTuber earning.

The good thing, however, is that because there are so many people using YouTube, through studies and experience of people who are working to make money on YouTube, you can actually predict a Windows of how much you can earn.

This window is not accurate but it can give you an idea of how much you can earn per thousand views and by using it you can guess how much money you can earn from YouTube from a number of views you estimate you’ll get.

For Indian channels who are receiving views from India, only this window or average RPM (Revenue Per Mile or Earning per thousand impressions ) is somewhere between $2 to $5 per thousand views.

It means if your video gets 100k views you can somewhere from $200-$500. Of course, it’s a broad window but considering how many factors play a role in deciding your income, it’s the best estimate.

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But if your target audience is mainly from countries like USA and UK then your income may be double for the same number of view because the ads show in that country give more revenue to Youtube and you will get more commission for the same.

If you are looking to invest some money and want to decide whether or not you’ll be able to recover you should calculate things using the lower scale.

For example, if you want to buy a camera or spend money on ads and you expect your video to get 100k views, except to earn $200 from it and make your budget accordingly.

Though even after reading so much, many people feel confused how much they may earn if they become a successful YouTuber,

And what better way to clear that doubt than actual numbers?

So here is a list of some of the top YouTube stars and their YouTubers earning:

Top YouTuber and their earning 

BB Ki Vines

BB Ki Vines creator Bhuvan Bam started his channel in June last year and became one of the most known YouTubers within the matter of few months while riding on the wave of Digital Evolution dubbed as Jio.B B ki vines earning

So far the YouTube star has uploaded 98 videos on his channel and according to reports, he earns about 3 to 4 lacs rupees on average for every video he uploads.

ChuChu TV Nursery Rhyme

While many of us may not even know about it, ChuChu TV is one of the most famous YouTube channels of India which produced content for kids only as the name suggests.

And whether you believe it or not the channel earns and estimates 6 lacs per month due to the fact that children are considered one of the best audiences for TV.

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The Viral Fever Videos

One of the most popular channels among all ages is The Viral Fever or TVF in the short which is a better-known name of them. They upload some really good quality videos and now they have also started making web series and have taken the things to next level.TVF earning - How much do YouTubers make money online

While TVF relies more on the other methods of incomes for their videos such as Brand Endorsement, they still reportedly earn about 2 to 3 lacs for every video they upload through Adsense.


Sanam is one of the unique channels re-creates old songs into new more interesting videos while keeping the charm of those songs alive.

While they are one of the oldest Indian YouTube channels who are on the top, they have only uploaded 80 videos till now and their YouTuber earning is only 1 lacs per video on average.

Sandeep Maheshwari

Finally, Sandeep Maheshwari is a name which proves that YouTube is not only a way of entertainment but it can be used to motivate people as well.

And while motivating people, you can also make money on YouTube and according to a guess; he channel of Sandeep Maheshwari earns about 1.5 lacs per video.

This all fact about earning is just approx may be they earn more than what I mentioned. 

Wrap up

This was our guide on YouTuber earning and I hope now you are more aware of How much do YouTubers make money online.

Please note all the values mentioned in this article are approximate and the real values are dependent on various conditions.

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