Top free social Bookmarking sites list with Hire PR 2017

Social Bookmarking is an online service which empowers clients to store, include, and share links over the web.

In other word, a social bookmarking is an arrangement of saving bookmarks to a site and “labeling” them with vital watchwords. These social bookmarking sites lists are free to utilize however require enlisting.

Social bookmarking sites are the most ideal approach to promote any site, brand rapidly on web. Today we have shared a portion of the best social bookmarking sites list which will helps you to make quality backlinks and drive tremendous traffic to your site.

On the off chance that you are having a place with any website design enhancement businesses or organizations then this post will be impeccably suited for you. Making a link to social bookmarking sites assumes exceptionally compelling part to get high rank in web index.

What is Social Bookmarking?

Social bookmarking is the method to get great backlinks, colossal traffic alongside promotion and indexing benefits.

On the off chance that you are a SEO or computerized advertising fellow, you should know about it. Social bookmarks are basic to bail you out from multiple points of view.

A critical policy utilized as a part of the online media clients today is the social bookmarking. This arrangement permits you to blend your content with others without spamming. You can interface, share, save, and do various different things with the assistance of social bookmarking.

Social bookmarking helps you interface all your inquiries, offers, saves in every one of the gadgets associated with a similar Social Bookmarking account! Life made simple!

Social bookmarking will help enhance the believability of your site and give an immediate push to your number of adherents on the Social Bookmarking sites. These sites have their assigned arbitrators, who have confidence in sharing great work.

In short, Social bookmarking sites are those on which individuals share or search site pages, blog entries, pictures, videos articles and so forth., that other individuals have bookmarked with the assistance of metadata. Digg, Pinterest,, Reddit, StumbleUpon are a portion of the known social bookmarking sites. 

How to do social bookmarking?

All SEO folks are doing social bookmarking. Yet, do you know how to do it adequately? All social bookmarking sites are not the same. Before beginning presenting the blog entries on sites, you need to comprehend their guidelines and directions.

There are a couple of high PR social bookmarking sites like, are exceptionally sticky in endorsement and spamming is entirely not permitted.

For these sorts of sites, you must be more social and need to take a stab at building your profile by submitting high specialist blog entries of different sites or you can remark on others’ posts, re-share and upvote.

To get more advantages out of this, make inventive title, innovative depiction, include target keywords in labels or catchphrase field and most imperative thing is that you need to pick category admirably. 

Do’s And Dont’s While Doing Social Bookmarking:

The good thing is that there are numerous social bookmarking destinations which give a dofollow links to their clients. Bookmarking is a keen approach to win great backlinks from valid sites. Web engines do offer inclination to these sites.

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In any case, before you experience this social bookmarking list, be careful, in the event that you do excessive of spamming you can get punished effectively by the mediators of these sites.

So, never spam there and attempt to advance your sites or websites in a good way. Don’t energetically advertise your sites content, it will panic the moderator and they will ban you. Never promote your content excessively, promote different online journals content as well.

Since sharing other substance will expand your validity and you can procure great adherents. So, promoting other content demonstrates that you are a genuine blogger and individuals will like that. Numerous sites mediators will like this sharing technique and you would soon pick up trust of arbitrator. 

Advantages of Social Bookmarking Sites: 

  • It is one of the remarkable search engine optimization off page improvement strategy to distribute news, web journals and other web or web administrations.
  • It is the best approach to acquaint your sites to others with some applicable intrigue and direct people to your sites.
  • Indexing Sites Faster: Whenever you post on your blog or site and then you bookmark that content on social bookmarking sites, their odds are high to get index in the web.
  • Measuring Quality.
  • Categorization.
  • Deeper Indexing.

How to avoid spamming?

In the realm of online content, there are high odds of getting included or turning into a casualty of online content spamming.

In addition to the fact that it is exploitative to perform spamming, however you may likewise endure punishment by individuals who are the arbitrators of the Social Bookmarking destinations. 

How would you use Social Bookmarking sites?

Some vital points to remember before diving into the uses of Social Bookmarking Sites:

  • The chief need is to make a solid profile that has your image and the right URL to your site/blog/organization and so forth.
  • Be beyond any doubt of not making numerous bookmarking profiles for a similar site, this will make spamming.
  • A simple route is to add bookmarking expansion to the browser toolbar which makes it easier to advertise URLs.
  • Always make sure to submit any URL to these sites with a title and a depiction, so it makes it easier for the web indexes to up your positioning for the specific content.

List of Social Bookmarking Sites:

1. Reddit

Reddit is one of my most loved bookmarking sites. It is not difficult to present your blog entry on reddit. You have to upvote and re-present others’ reddit posts. It will enhance your reddit karmas, once you have adequate karmas, you can present your blog entries effortlessly, read subreddit’s rules before posting on it.

Then, attempt to include few posts of celebrated sites or include current news related posts with the goal that individuals remark or upvote your posts.

[button link=”” size=”big” align=”center” target=”_blank” icon=”momizat-icon-bookmarks”]Bookmarking on reddit[/button]

2. Stumbleupon

Stumbleupon fueled by ebay, is a decent wellspring of easy traffic. To submit blog entry on it, you have to enroll. A total profile will help you in traffic generation. Try not to present your blog at many times in a day. It will be considered as spam.

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You can include other blog entries, in the event that you are running numerous blog sites. Just submission is not adequate; you have to construct your network in your specialty.

[button link=”” size=”big” align=”center” target=”_blank” icon=”momizat-icon-bookmarks”]Bookmarking on stumbleupon[/button]

3. Delicious

 Delicious is one of the top social bookmarking destinations with high pr. Like other bookmarking locales, here likewise just blog entry accommodation is not adequate to receive most extreme advantages in return.

  • To assemble a system, you have to like, remark, share or upvote others’ posts.
  • Submit in most pertinent classification. In the event that you are not able to get legitimate classification, you can submit in news segment.
  • Prepare most informative title and portrayal and include focused keywords.

[button link=”” size=”big” align=”center” target=”_blank”  icon=”momizat-icon-bookmarks”]Bookmarking on Delicious [/button]

 4. Bizsugar

Bizsugar is the hardest site to publish your blog entry on. You should be exceptionally cautious while submitting blog entry on bizsugar.

  • Submit presumed and high specialist site’s post in pertinent category.
  • Upvote and remark on others’ published posts.
  • Once you construct strong profile, then attempt to present your blog entry.
  • Write significant depiction, innovative title and pick fitting category.

[button link=”” size=”big” align=”center” target=”_blank” icon=”momizat-icon-bookmarks”]Bookmarking on bizsugar[/button]

 5. is one of the ideal places of content curation and content advertising. Here you can bookmark your blog entry or can make a total article with backlinks to your blog. Premium plan has couple of additional elements.

As its DA and Alexa rankings are high, so it’s to a great degree useful for building backlinks. 

  • You can manage with numerous topics in a solitary account.
  • You can assemble community.
  • Share, comment and like on other’s posts.
  • Write snappy headings with targeted catchphrases.
  • Add pictures in your scoop article.

[button link=”” size=”big” align=”center” target=”_blank” icon=”momizat-icon-bookmarks”]Bookmarking on scoop[/button]

 6. Pinterest

Pinterest is a bookmarking site, as well as it is the most prevalent graphical content distribution online networking site. Here, you can find content on any point and the greater part of the content will be in realistic configuration. Also, best part of it is that anybody can undoubtedly use Pinterest.

In the wake of making an account here, you have to follow a couple of classifications. Pick astutely as you will get their pins.

Before including a pin, you have to make a board with watchword rich board title and portrayal and pick the most significant class. You can welcome others to stick on your board.

Find related stick sheets and go along with them. Here you can’t join specifically; invitation is expected to post on gathering board. For invitation, you should follow administrator of that group, re-pin his/her pins and sit tight for him to notice you or you can likewise send him an individual direct message. Try not to advertise your blog entry in gatherings every time, attempt to be social!

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[button link=”” size=”big” align=”center” target=”_blank” icon=”momizat-icon-bookmarks”]Bookmarking on pinterest[/button]

7. Stumbleupon

StumbleUpon is a search engine that finds and prescribes web content to its clients. Its elements permit clients to find and rate Web pages, photographs and videos that are customized to their tastes and interests utilizing peer-sourcing and informal communication standards.

Stumbleupon was created by Garrett Camp and others in November 2002. It is actually a discovery engine that finds and prescribes web substance to its clients. Stumbleupon toolbar forms exist for Google Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari.

[button link=”” size=”big” align=”center” target=”_blank” icon=”momizat-icon-bookmarks”]Bookmarking on stumbleupon[/button]

8. Tumblr

Tumblr is a micro-blogging site created by David Karp in 2007, and possessed by yahoo in 2013. The site permits clients to post any sort of content in a short shape blog. Clients can follow different client’s blogs, and also make their blogs private.

As of may 2017, Tumblr has more than 292.8 million blogs. As per January 2017, it had 533 million month to month guests. Organization base camp is in New York City.

[button link=”” size=”big” align=”center” target=”_blank” icon=”momizat-icon-bookmarks”]Bookmarking on tumblr[/button]

9. Digg

Digg permitting clients to vote web content down or up, called burying and digging, separately. prominence provoked the making of comparative social sites with story posting and voting frameworks, for example, Reddit.

 [button link=”” size=”big” align=”center” target=”_blank” icon=”momizat-icon-bookmarks”]Bookmarking on digg[/button]

Note – Some website administrators and SEO learners utilize low quality sites to make backlinks however when you utilize extensive volume of low quality sits to make backlinks in these circumstance the google panda and hummingbird calculation diminish your webpage appearance in web index result pages, So you should utilize Best social bookmarking sites. 

What Should You Remember While Performing Bookmarking Activity?

Probably, web is brimming with social bookmarking sites. We will state that bookmarking is absolutely a keen path for having back-links and Search Engines lean towards links from these sites recorded in this bookmarking destinations list. Be that as it may, you need to remember while utilizing bookmarking sites these two critical points;

Abstain from Spamming: Too much promotion of your content ought to be avoided. On the off chance that you are spamming, then you may be punished by arbitrators of such bookmarking sites.

Share Others Work Too: Well, one ought to likewise attempt to advertise content in an honest way. Promote other’s content as well. Unquestionably, few others are additionally posting great content in your niche.

You ought to have bookmarking approach of blending your content and additionally others. This will result in raising your credibility and it will straightforwardly increase number of your people in such bookmarking sites. Moderators on such sites prefer this technique.


There are various bookmarking sites but not every one of them is fruitful for you in terms of traffic and other things. You need to choose the best ones that would profit you for sure. The above listed social bookmarking sites are some of the best. If you are planning to get into any of these, go ahead and start earning. Cheers!