How to Make Most Out of Landing Page

Landing pages are used for a wide range of uses, these include – generating leads for a high traffic, for advertisement purposes and also for creating a strong relationship among contacts. Optimising landing pages for blogs ensures that you have a high rate of conversions.  Another advantage of using landing pages on your blogs and websites is that, it increases a high and stable traffic, it ensures a positive brand development and also it develops a sense of trust among readers and clients.


What is a landing page? How does it work?

You might wonder, what is a landing page? And why does it matter so much in a blog?

The main idea for a landing page is rather simple, it is basically a page which lands the reader onto a space and allows them to take action. This is a great method of increasing leads for a blog. It also allows a high conversion rate between readers and subscribers, since it allows what the consumers really want.


Having a landing page is a game changer since it leads to the homepage of the blog and encourages users to further explore the blog, thus increasing the traffic. If your blog site is interesting and appealing to the reader, then naturally those readers will convert into subscribers for the website. This is basically how a landing page works.

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Why landing pages are important?

In the field of blogging and internet marketing, landing pages play an important role since they are the foundation stones for building a strong ranking and visibility for the website. One can have a good traffic from popular search engines i.e., Google, Bing and Yahoo. Bloggers can also rely on social networking sites such as Facebook, twitter and LinkedIn for obtaining a good amount of traffic for their blogs.

How to find the most popular landing pages using Google?

The first important step that you have to do before you start optimizing your website is to find the top landing pages of your blog site using Google analytics and try to find what all pages are the ones that need immediate and necessary attention.


If you want to check the traffic of your blog site using Google analytics, log in to the analytics page of the site, and try to click on the site drilldown tab that cones under the behaviour section. This allows you to identify what all pages of your blog site had the maximum traffic. For further detailed study, you set a time window to learn which page had the maximum traffic during that time slot.

After identifying the pages having the most traffic, try to optimise it and make it more user friendly. This encourages even more traffic to your website. You can also improve the quality of the landing pages by including more interesting content in the existing pages.

Why improve popular pages?

One of the main aims of many bloggers is to have a large number of readers and subscribers who are loyal and read their content frequently. Popularizing landing pages helps you to achieve this target. This is the most basic step in optimizing pages for more visibility among internet users including first time readers.

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Keep in mind that popular reading materials can be of various sizes. It can either be a small description of a product or can be a detailed and large tutorial about a process. Landing pages can be further made popular by linking them to the relevant content. Interlinking one page to another page is also a great method to persuade first time readers into exploring and searching your blog post. Hence, there is a lot you can gain from by improving landing pages and popularising your blog posts.

polarising landing pages is a new thing in internet marketing?

Truth to be told, landing pages have been around since the start of blogging.  For over a decade, landing pages have been popular in the internet space.

During the late 90’s, landing pages were used as a reference for marketing and advertising products so that more and more customers would be interested in purchasing from that certain website. Every product had a clear, unique and an interesting landing page which makes it more interesting to purchase. In those days, direct marketing was done and hence not much importance to landing pages was given.

Nowadays, many marketers use simple tricks and tips to create the perfect landing page for each product. There are many strategies that the marketers use to attract the customers and divert their attention towards the product. These strategies include:

  • Understanding the needs and requirements of the consumer.
  • Increase in business communications
  • Incorporating a trusted brand
  • Making sure that you value the customer’s opinions and needs
  • Generating leads for your business and website
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You can try to achieve all these targets and aims by cleverly strategic and incorporating popular landing pages.

What more can you use landing pages for?


Landing pages can further be developed to strengthen the consumer relation. As a blogger or an online marketer, you can also provide various perks and gifts for your consumers to encourage them to involve more in your website. These include:

  • Coupons
  • Gift cards
  • Free trials on products
  • Access to limited materials
  • Sweepstake entries and so on.

In conclusion, landing pages are a great way to increase and generate a large amount of traffic and leads to increase the consumer traffic of your blog site.