Guest blogging – A complete guide of beginner

Guest Posting is one of the most talked and certainly most beneficial ways of link building for any blog. It not only allows you to build some of the most influential links to your blog but Guest Posting has lots of other benefits as well, only if you know how to use it correctly.

However, since every blogger has his own perspective and his own unique techniques, the various Guest posting guides available on the net might confuse you.

That’s why today we have brought you this guide on guest posting which will clear all your doubts and hopefully by the end of this guide, you’ll be ready to build some seriously high-quality links for your blog.

What Is Guest Posting?

In the simplest words, guest posting is nothing but publishing your written post on someone else’s blog. Lots of blogs out there allow people who are not a regular writer of their site to publish a post on a blog they own and its called guest posting.

Guest posting is beneficial for both the owner of the site and the person publishing the post in many ways. While the primary objective of guest posting for bloggers is often getting a high-quality link for your blog, there are several other benefits as well which we have listed below:

Benefits of guest posting

Here is a list of various benefits you can avail by doing a guest post on people’s blogs:

1) Links – Of course, more than 80% of the time the aim of guest posting is getting a link to your blog. It’s considered one of the best options for building quality links.

And In most cases, you can not only get a do follow the Link from an authoritative blog, but you can also use your keywords around your link which makes it more contextual and much more beneficial.

2) Audience – If done right, a good guest post can not only give you a link, but it can also result in a good amount of audience for you site through that link.

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The trick is to link your post naturally so it looks like an inbound link and people may click on it for more information.

3) Relationship – With the right technique, you not only get an opportunity to guest post on a blog but also build a relationship with the owner.

In the blogging world, having relationships with other bloggers is very important because they can help you in increasing your earning potential and help you with any problems you may face.

4) Fame – The final benefit you can get from doing guest posting is to get known among a community which you have not built. If you write a good enough guest post on a blog which already has a good community or audience following it, then you not only become known among them for free but also build a good amount of trust in their eyes which you can later use for the benefit of your blog and brand. 

How to write a good post?

Now as you have learned about the benefits of guest posting, you might be eager to write your first guest post, but wait. For being successful with guest posting, you first need to learn how to write a good guest post.

If you don’t know how to write a good post, your posts will get rejected and your guest posting campaign will end before it starts.

So you first need to learn the aspects which are essential while writing a guest post in order to write a good guest post?

We have listed all the important points you should keep in mind before writing a good guest post:

1. Grammar – This is a fundamental but essential part of getting your guest post approved. Even a small grammar mistake or a single wrong spelling could get your guest post rejected.

So proofread every post at least twice before sending it for approval. If you want you can take help of any online software such as Grammarly or Ginger to check grammatical error in your post.

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2. Readability – A grammatically correct post doesn’t always mean it will be readable as well. You need to make sure that all your sentences are in a continuity or flow and they make an overall great post to read.

3. Keywords – While filling lots of keywords in a small post is not recommended, adding at least 1-2 keywords is essential. Remember at the end, the post should not only benefit you but the blog’s owner as well.

4. Images – 5 years ago many niches had very little to no competition and so not many people used ways of link building which took more time such as guest posting. But now numerous people could be aiming to get their guest post published on the same blog as you.

So if you looking to publish a guest post in a blog where you think competition is more than normal, you can try providing related images for your post when you submit the post to help increase the possibility of getting your post approved.

5. Interlinking- If you have time, you can find a few posts related to your topic in the blog you are thinking to get your post published.

Then try to interlink those articles from your post which will again, give you an edge over your competitors and help you in increasing the possibilities of your post getting approved.

6. Anything else you feel is important – You need to remember that things keep changing in the blogging world and new things are being introduced every day.

So you need to keep updating your knowledge and keep adding things to your guest posting strategy you feel are essential. At the end, what we can say is that write a guest post as it’s for your own blog to maximize the chances of your post getting approved.

How to find Blogs for guest posting?

Now as you have learnt how to write a good guest post, it’s time to find the right blogs for you to publish your guest post and get the various benefits of it.

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Finding blogs who accept guest posts is actually pretty easy. For this, you can use the Google Footprint method. It means that we use a combination of your keyword and a keyword used by websites in their pages regarding guest post to find blogs.

For an example, “Submit guest post” is a common footprint and assuming your site is about SEO, you need to search the following lines in Google to find blogs in SEO niche which accept guest post.

SEO “Submit guest post”

You can also try using other related keywords you generally use on your site. Here is a list of few common guest posting footprints which should be enough to find the required number of blogs for guest posting:

  • submit guest post
  • accepting guest posts
  • contribute to our site
  • become a guest writer
  • contributor guidelines
  • guest post guidelines
  • submit article
  • This post was written by

Once you find a blog for guest posting, you should first try to find and read the guest posting guidelines of that blog and write a post accordingly to increase the chances of getting your post approved.

If the blog does not have any special guidelines, then you can use the point mentioned above to write a high-quality guest post and then submit the post to that blog.

Remember even if you don’t find any guidelines, you should try to write a post with good length. Usually, a post with 800 or more words is considered good.

Though remember that it’s not always necessary that you can only post on blogs which openly accept guest posts. You can also try contacting blogs which do not have a page related to guest posting if you feel they’ll benefit to your blog in any way.

Wrap up

This was our guide on guest posting. What do you think about this post? What other posts would you like to read on our blog? Do let us know your thoughts in the comment section.