10 Easy Ways to Monetize your Blog and Earn Money Online

Table of Contents

Apart from the few people who start a blog for fun or for expressing their feelings, most of the people who start a blog have only expectation from it – Money. However, most of the people fail to reach the maximum earning a potential of their blog because we use only one or two traditional ways of monetizing their blogs. What we don’t realize is that in today’s world there are many more ways with which one can monetize his blog and more money than he ever thought possible. That’s why today we have brought you a list of top 10 ways to monetize your blog, which you can use to make the most money from your blog:

Top 10 ways to monetize your blog

1. CPC Advertising  – click basis(traffic)

Probably the most famous and easiest way to make money from your blog is CPC or Cost Per Click ad networks which do not require you much effort.

For those who don’t know CPC Ad Networks are services which work as a medium between you and the advertisers. They have specialised codes which you put on your blog and they find and show the best ads for your blog automatically to users.

The word Cost Per Click means that you are paid every time someone clicks on an ad which he sees on their sites. While there are hundreds of sites which offer CPC Ads the best one to use is Google’s own CPC Advertising Network Adsense.

Best CPC Ad Networks – Adsense.com, Infolinks.com      

2. Affiliate Marketing 

The second beast technique to make money from your blog is Affiliate marketing or in simple words, encouraging users to buy certain products.

There are sites which offer you to become an affiliate partner of theirs and they give you links to any specific product you choose. Then what you have to do is encourage your users to buy that product by telling them the bright side of it and by using your link.

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Every time someone opens the site you are affiliated with using your link and then buys a product you promoted, you get paid a certain amount of commission.

If done right Affiliate marketing can not only increase your income but it can double or triple it. Though what you need to remember is that to promote the products which are really useful for the buyer and not to lie about anything to sell your products.

Best affiliate marketing sites – Affiliate-program.amazon.com, clickbank.com

3. Sell Ad Space

If you have a site which has a really good reach and high audience or a site which is targeted to a very specific audience related to any product then you can try and sell ad spaces you blog directly and monetize your blog.

For this, you can contact the makers of the product related to your blog directly and explain them the benefits they will get from buying the ad space on your blog.

Or if you have a really big blog, you can use marketplaces to find the right customers who would be interested in buying ad spaces on your blog.

Best sites to sell ad space: buysellads.comadvertiise.com

4. CPM Advertising – Impression basis (eye ball)

If CPC Advertising does not work for you and you feel like you are getting enough audience but not making money because of wrong ads, then CPM Advertising might be something you can try to monetize your blog.

It’s basically the opposite of CPC advertising where you are paid based on the views of the ad and not the clicks so if you have a high audience then you can make some good money with CPM ads.

Though there is a reason why CPM advertising is nowhere near being a competition for CPC advertising. Still, it’s one of the top 10 ways to monetize your blog and you can try CPM advertising if you are not satisfied with CPC ads.

Best CPM advertising sites – propellerads.comhilltopads.com

5. Product Reviews

 If affiliate marketing proves to be a thing which you are not comfortable with but you still want to make some good money from your blog then you can do product reviews.

Basically, what you have to do is write reviews of products related to your blog’s niche and you get paid a definite amount of money. It’s not exactly a way to monetize your blog but it definitely makes you money from it.

The only catch of this is that you need a good amount of regular audience on your blog otherwise you probably wouldn’t get any paid reviews. We have mentioned some sites below where you can find products to review.

Sites to find products for review: tomoson.comsverve.com

6. Sell services 

This is definitely one of top 10 ways to monetize your blog which many people don’t use. If you think you are good enough to provide any service to your customers such as SEO consultancy or Fitness consultancy then you can try selling those services online through your blog.

What you need to remember is to choose a service based on your blog, learn everything about it and then provide the best service to the people that is worth their money.

7. Sell Ebooks

 If you a blog which based on learning any specific thing such as cooking or something, then selling ebooks might do wonders for you.

Believe it or not, there are enough people who buy digital books to read on their phones or laptops and if you can write a book which can really make them an expert in something then you should definitely give it a try.

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See here below how Harsh  selling books through their blog shoutmeloud.com. So similar way if you have good traffic then you can also sell ebook.
8. Sell premium content

For some people writing a whole book can be difficult and if you own news sites, the idea of selling ebook is pretty useless for you to monetize your blog.

In such condition, you can create a premium section on your blog where you share stuff which is not for the public. For start, you can give away lifetime membership for a low price and then charge monthly subscription fees once it becomes famous.

9. Donations

 If you have a site through which you do some social work or just offer a very good service for free such as Guerrilla Mail, asking for donations might just work for you.

Though this is something which is not suitable for everyone and if own a completely commercial site then you should probably stay away from asking donation from your users as it can affect the reputation of your blog and personally as well.

10. Sell It

While not the most convenient way of making money from your blog and probably not what you are looking for if you are not satisfied with the income of your blog then you can try selling it.

If you think you are good a buying and selling then you can also try and make money by buying and selling blogs too. I have seen many people who make a decent amount of money by just buying and selling the right blogs.

Though it’s not everybody’s cup of tea and if you are not sure about how much your blog is worth, then you should get it checked by any expert.

Wrap up

This was our guide on top 10 ways to monetize your blog. Do let us know your thoughts on it and what next you’d like to read in the comments section.